FALL 2006
The pin cherry leaves are turning: a scarlet plume here, an apricot banner over beyond the garden shed. Maples, too: some are burgundy around the edges of each leaf, like a slow, deep blush - and only if you turn quickly to look again after you've already passed by the tree.
The next frost we have will be the first of the fall frosts, as opposed to the last of the frosts of summer!
Deer and bears are already checking out the homestead yards - a doe and her twin fawns nibbling gracefully on the apple trees, and on the dense circle of lily-of-the-valley plants. Those plants are a powerful heart medicine; I'm not sure they really should be eating so much of them...
All that practice in rooting out grubs all summer means the bears can locate a stash of granola bars in a tightly closed metal canister buried deep in the camping equipment.
Things change and things are ever the same. Both are comforting.
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